Special Discount From Finding Ferdinand

Hi everyone! I hope you’re all having a great day! I just wanted to share this discount code with you. I loved my custom made lipstick from Finding Ferdinand so much, I reached out to them and asked for a discount I could pass on to my friends. They were more than happy to provide one for me.


Use the code: brookeknowsbeauty at checkout and save 10% on your purchase! I hope you love their products as much as I do. I’ll be ordering another lipstick soon!

You’ve Been Beautified!

Product Review JUYOU 24K Gold Eye Mask

I’m always on the lookout for a new eye treatment and when I had the chance to try these eye masks at a discount, I was excited to give them a try. They’re available on Amazon for a good price. $12.99 for 30 pairs of gel patches. https://www.amazon.com/Anti-Wrinkle-Treatment-Anti-Aging-Collagen-Hyaluronic/dp/B07HCX38B3?m=A1KAOB8Y8EER38

Here is the product description on Amazon. I copied and pasted from Amazon so you could read the company description in their words. Read below for my thoughts.

  • 💦 24K GOLD: 24k gold molecule is a luxury skin care ingredient highly recommended by the global beauty industry. Eye masks, containing precious 24k active gold ability to expel harmful toxins, promote blood circulation, improve metabolism, alleviate the aging of eye skin, effectively improve fine wrinkles, dry lines and bags, reduce dark circles and edema, prevent the formation of fat particles, and restore bright color to dark skin.
  • 💦 SMALL MOLECULE COLLAGEN: Rich in many kinds of amino acids to supplement essential nutrients to the skin, easy to be absorbed by the skin, effectively improve the ability of skin regeneration, promote the increase of collagen and elastin, thereby maintain skin elasticity and luster.
  • 💦 HYALURONIC ACID: Highly efficient moisturizer which can penetrate the skin, lock in moisture and provide a long-lasting moisturizing effect on the eye area. It also can reduce the production of free radicals, delay skin aging and keep the skin delicate.
  • 💦 VARIETY OF PLANT ESSENCE: Witch Hazel are considered as the most effective natural skin care ingredients. It combines water replenishing, moisturizing, antioxidant and other functions to effectively alleviate various eye skin problems caused by excessive eye use.
  • 💦 JUYOU EYE MASKS: Dedicated to improving your eye skin, soothing your eye skin, conforming to ergonomic C-zone design, and making them ideal eye patches and eventually bring back the beauty to your eyes! If you have any questions about the product, please feel free to contact us. We always pay attention to the customer’s experience!

I didn’t take a before and after picture because I’ve only been using them for about a week, and there hasn’t been a significant difference in that week. Here are my takeaways.

  • Cooling. They feel very nice on your skin and have that cooling effect that feels good after a long day.
  • Moisturizing. I definitely felt a difference in the moisture on the skin underneath my eyes.
  • Slippery. The texture of these gel masks is pretty thin, so they slide out of place and have to be adjusted frequently. Most masks you can sit up and do other things while they work, these work best if you take the time to lay back and relax so they stay put.
  • Lightly scented. Some masks are overpowering in the way they smell. These are nice and have a light, clean scent.
  • Good consistency. If you’ve ever used a sheet mask, or a gel mask, you know that the product left behind can be a little sticky. The product left behind with this mask absorbs quickly and doesn’t feel heavy or gooey on your skin.

Overall, I like these and I’ll continue to use them. If you try them, tell me what you think!!

You’ve Been Beautified! 

Interview with Model Christine Olyer

In today’s post, I had the pleasure of interviewing model and actress, Christine Olyer. Christine and I go way back. We met as actresses in a local dinner theater company in Denver. It’s funny because we only worked together on one production, but we connected and have stayed friends ever since. Our lives have taken us in very separate directions, and sometimes years have passed between us where we haven’t been in touch, but through it all, I’ve always considered her one of my dearest friends.

I was fortunate to have Christine as the creative editor on my first book, Set It Free, in the Heart & Soul series. Her suggestions were amazing and the way she coached me really pushed me as a writer, in the most wonderful way.

Christine has had a pretty awesome career as a model and actress. Her most recent experience is working as a mature model. She is now living in Rome, Italy. For the moment, her modeling career is on pause, but I don’t think she’s done yet. She’s beautiful inside and out and any designer would be lucky to have her.

I really wish I had a picture of us from our dinner theater days, but I don’t. So… I guess her gorgeous modeling pictures will have to suffice. Make yourself comfortable, pour an espresso and indulge in a Biscotti as you read, and enjoy!


Special thanks to Kaya Munn for the use of her photos of Christine. Take a look at her website to see more of her work. https://www.kayamunnphotography.com

You’ve worked as both an actress and a model. Which one came first for you and why?

My first professional gig was as a model. I was 16 years old in Salem, OR and I really wanted to model fashion. So in this little city not only did I act in High School and get awarded “most dramatic senior” but I found my first opportunities walking the runway!

Which do you prefer, acting or modeling?

I prefer modeling and I am embarrassed to tell you why! The reality of acting is memorization and I have a huge struggle memorizing my lines. I love improv because you don’t have to memorize the lines word for word and you can react in the moment. I did a Shakespeare play and it took me hours of work each day to memorize the lines, which definitely had to be word for word; however, it is the show I am most proud of and I had a blast performing the role of Helena!

We’ve known each other for over 20 years… wow! In that time, I’ve seen you rock a vibrant red hair color, a rich auburn brown, and now you’ve embraced your natural silver/platinum. Which color did you like best?

I like my natural hair color best and there are many reasons:

  • It feels great accepting myself just as I am
  • Women find me more approachable
  • Men were so creepy to me when I was a redhead
  • Silver is the trend and it always feels good to be “on trend”
  • Dying my hair was ruining my hair texture
  • I hated seeing my ‘roots’
  • Silver is a standout even if it makes me look even more ‘mature’ than I am
  • I get compliments from strangers almost every time I go out on my hair color
  • My hairstylist here in Rome says that there is no way to duplicate my hair color
  • My hubby finds it sexy (is that weird?)

When and why did you decide to stop coloring your hair and go Au natural? How did it make you feel?

I had a plan to stop coloring my hair when I turned 50 and when my birthday came, I wasn’t ready. So, after traveling to Germany and seeing a magnificent head of silver hair, I was convinced! I got home from Germany, and waited until my roots were about an inch grown out and I had my stylist cut my hair to a pixie length. Oddly enough, there was still some red on the tips, which garnered so many compliments. “I love your tips” was a frequent compliment from women and this was entirely new to me. I had almost never received compliments on my hair from women. Up until this point, most women wouldn’t approach me. And as I let my hair grow, it took about two more cuts to get all of the red out, the more women were verbally supportive of me and my hair! I developed many more friendships. I like to think that the more I accepted myself as God made me, the more comfortable women were with me. I think women are so tuned into confidence and integrity and they gravitate towards others who are in turn confident and acting with integrity. Sorry, that was a really long answer!

Blue/violet shampoos are what I always recommend to keep grays vibrant and to prevent yellowing/brassiness. Do you use a specialty shampoo? Which one?

So I have relied on your advice for my hair a few times in my life and you have never steered me wrong! I am a blonde, who grew into dirty dishwater blonde, then to ash brown-brunette (like so many of us), my hair has silver, white, ashy gray, ashy brown, (now you see why my hairdresser says you can’t duplicate it) – meaning that some strands of hair look ashy or yellowed – that’s normal and that is beautiful with creams, ecrus, and off-whites – don’t let anyone tell you that it’s unattractive! That said, products can and do dull hair and using a violet shampoo really makes a platinum/gray/silver/white hair color sing! I use what you have recommended to me Brooke, Monat Colour Enhance Perfectly Platinum Shampoo and Conditioner (I am sorry that this sounds like an advertisement!) I have used other brands with great results – here’s the difference for me with the Monat product – it is stronger – I don’t have to use it as frequently as the other brands I have used in the past. I use it once a month – I know, that sounds ridiculous – and it keeps my hair shiny and the color bright without any old lady purple.

It seems like once you went platinum/silver, your modeling career really got busy. Tell me what it’s like being a mature model?

The demand for my hair color was incredible – partly because in the commercial world, the segment being targeted is Baby Boomer or GenX – for Boomers, they want to see young, vibrant women and the hair color says ‘older’ and for GenX, the hair color says “Hey, I am your kid’s grandma.”

For modeling the mentality is entirely supported by the movement for inclusion. Let’s include women of all body types, all races, and all ages. In Denver, there is a designer who only wants older women modeling her clothes. She picked up on the trend early and hired me to walk for her in a couple of Denver Fashion Shows.

Do you think there is less pressure on a mature model, or more? (Body image. Overall image, etc.) Is it more fun, less stressful being a mature model?

So, it’s interesting being an older model – yes, there’s still pressure to fit into the clothes and that gets more challenging when your body’s metabolism is changing. Here are a couple of anecdotes:

I hadn’t walked the runway in about 30 years, when I was hired by Nordstrom to do a Beauty event. As I was walking into the fitting, I followed two gorgeous women who were easily 3 inches taller than me and definitely fit! I felt myself flushing, embarrassed that I was shorter, old, fat…but when I got in the fitting everyone was incredibly supportive!! No one was saying, oh my god would you drop 5 lbs by tomorrow, no one was asking me to have plastic surgery. No. It was so great being included and accepted for me, just being me.

After that I was booked for the Denver fashion event with the designer who used several other women in the mature model cohort. It was so fun! That show is still on YouTube, you can watch it here.

What’s your every day skincare routine and what products do you use?

I have sensitive skin that has changed over the course of my life, like every woman! I had adult acne at one point and now the pendulum has swung over to dry skin. I have used the Clinique skincare system my entire life with some small adjustments:

  • 4 nights a week I use gel cleanser, the other nights I use micellar water
  • Toner morning & night
  • Eye serum morning & night
  • Repairwear Laserfocus serum at night (they are discontinuing this so I am just about ready to purchase some new products 😊)
  • Dramatically different moisturizer  — morning & night
  • Moisturizer with SPF mornings – always
  • When I can afford it I buy (and use) the Guerlain Double R Renew & Repair serum
  • For fun I splurge on Guerlain lipstick – incredibly moisturizing!!!
  • No eye-shadows with metallic glitter – makes my eyelids swell up
  • Change my mascara often – sensitive eyes need fresh mascara
  • Nars eyeliner goes on more smoothly than Clinique – soooo…
  • Bobbi Brown eyebrow pencil is the right color for gray 😊
  • Just about everything else is Clinique.

You’ve been living a fun, international life. Your husband’s career has taken you to Germany and now Italy. What fashion and beauty differences have you noticed in both countries? How do both countries differ from each other when it comes to the local image?

This is a great question! The beauty culture is vastly different between these two countries. Germans are practical and walk on cobblestones most of the time, so you see Birkenstock. But German women love being feminine so you see plenty of French cosmetic lines available in their pharmacies called Apoteke. You will also see them loving floral prints, but not wearing a ton of jewelry, and wearing big scarves. But while I was living there the uniform in winter was:

  • Slim jeans or pants
  • Thick sweater
  • Wellensteyn jacket with fur-trimmed hood
  • Boots or sneakers
  • Big scarf
  • Hat

In Rome, the women are dressed with more jewelry and on trend. No wandering around in sneakers if you can find a pair of boots. Cropped pants, culottes, and split skirts are the trend that everyone is wearing. And did I mention boots? Combat, Chelsea, over-the-knee (with a mini-skirt), medium heels, high heels, mid-calf, bottom-of-the knee,– these women know their boot styles and wear them with hosiery! I don’t see bare legs here in in Rome, even if I do see some very short dresses and skirts. Most women wear their hair down, it’s colored, and they have at least one Italian brand visible, Gucci, Prada, Salvatore Ferragamo, or Luisa Spagnoli. I don’t see many hats, even when it is cold, but to make up for it they layer, layer, layer! I have seen a sweater under a blazer under a puffy jacket under a ¾ wool coat more than once!

Do you find you have to change your skincare routine based on where you live?

Yes, definitely. The hardness of the water and the humidity of the air, as well as the pollution of the urban environments are different and require different skincare treatments. Here in Rome, the water is very hard, so I am using micellar water more and more to cleanse at night. I am also using more SPF in my lip care routine because I am walking around in the sun more!

What about makeup? Do you like to glam it up, or are you a minimalist when it comes to makeup? What are your favorite brands?

I have a love/hate affair with makeup – I love how I look in it, but I don’t always want to spend much time applying it – so I have a couple of routines that work for me:

  • Fastest: Guerlain or Clinique eye primer, Clinique cover up, Clinique mascara, Guerlain or Nars or Chanel red lipstick (very French and each red has its own temperament)
  • Confidence booster: Guerlain eye primer, Clinique cover up, eye shadow (Dior, Clinique, Bobbi Brown), Nars eyeliner, Urban Decay setting spray, Clinique mascara, my perfect neutral lipstick (Guerlain, Chanel, Clinique depending on what my lips need or my wardrobe choice)
  • Time to shine: all of the confidence booster with Clinique age defense BB cream SPF 30, cream stick blush, Becca liquid highlighter.

I love to ask this question… You’re going to a remote location/desert island, etc. What 3 products can you not live without? (Sunscreen is provided here, so no need to include that one.)

Coffee, Vicks, Allergy medicine, floss

Oh, you meant beauty products…cover up, lip gloss with SPF, mascara

What’s in your beauty bag?

I have a gold train case that holds exactly what I need for traveling:

Beauty tools, including eyeglass repair kit

Lip liner, lip gloss, lip stick

Korean pomegranate face mask (Best one is from Sally Beauty Supply of all places 😊)

Dior gift with purchase eye-shadow

Travel size Clinique skin care

Scissors, black electrical tape, samples of perfume, double-sided tape, safety pins, sewing kit

What advice can you give someone in the industry, who’s in that in-between stage of modeling/mature modeling?

There is always work. Work slows down, you might have to find some other applications for your skills, but there is always work to be done.

Any modeling or acting work on the horizon, or is that on hold for awhile? 

By moving to Rome I have missed out on about 5 or 6 modeling jobs in Denver and it is killing me! On the other hand, I have found a great position here in Rome that uses my other knowledge, skills, and abilities, so that will be fulfilling on a different level.

I think you’re gorgeous and I love seeing how your career has evolved. Where’s your Cover Girl campaign??



This was such a fun experience! Thank you for the interview, Christine!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you would like to be considered for a future interview on my blog, please respond to this post!

You’ve Been Beautified!

Review – Finding Ferdinand Custom Lipstick

You know how those pesky ads show up all over your computer/phone just because you did a simple search? Yeah, normally I scroll on by, but when I saw an ad for a custom lipstick, I was intrigued… even more so when I clicked on the link and discovered that you can order a sample of this custom lipstick!


Finding Ferdinand is the website where you can create your own magic. I’m very curious about the name. On the “About” section of their website, it’s pretty simple: “We bring your custom beauty creations to life, from lipsticks to palettes, all made-to-order in New York City.” Sweet and to the point, but who are you? How did you come up with this idea? And why the name? Did the creator of this company have a lipstick they were in love with named Ferdinand, and it was discontinued?? (Don’t get me started on that!) Or is Ferdinand the love of your life… man? dog? cat? goldfish??

How does it work? You choose from 4 of their colors to create your own. Now, the choices of colors are not staggering. There are only 25 shades to choose from to mix, but I think that’s good. Too many choices can be overwhelming. Once you’ve decided on your 4 colors, or 3, or 2, if you want, you don’t have to commit to 4, you get to decide how much of each shade will be used. While you’re figuring this out, there will be a swatch right above your chosen colors to show you what your custom lipstick will look like. You get to choose from three different finishes: Creamy, Sheer, or Matte. Then you choose your size. A mini (sample) size is $9.00 Full size is $30.00 and the two together are $33.00. You also get a choice of fragrances. Personally, I like no fragrance, if possible, so I chose classic. Rose, Coconut, Strawberry, Black Cherry, Grape, and for a limited time, Chocolate Cake, are the scents to choose from.

You also get to name your color, which I thought was fun! Here are the colors that I chose, with the percentages of each color. Pretty simple and since I liked what it was showing me, I kept all colors at 100%. And yes, you’ll see that I named my custom lipstick Alexandra, after my leading lady in the Heart & Soul books. (You can buy those here!)


  • COLOR 1: AU NATUREL 100%
  • COLOR 2: TRUFFLE 100%
  • COLOR 3: BLACK 100%

I had so much fun doing this, I am going to create more colors, and I think I’ll continue to name them after my characters. If you’ve read my books, I think you’ll agree with me that Mona needs a pretty red lipstick named after her!

Overall, this was an excellent experience! Easy to order, and fast shipping. And the quality of the product is amazing! It’s a generous sample size, about the size of your pinky finger, and us beauty mavens know, there’s plenty of product to go after in the base of your lipstick. What about the fragrance? Nice, not overpowering at all.

I’ll be ordering again, but in the meantime, I want to find out more about Finding Ferdinand! If I stumble across any specials or discounts, I’ll let you all know. Highly recommend!

Here are some pictures of the product from the packaging, to the sample size, and a swatch on my arm of how “Alexandra” turned out. Someone suggested a selfie… Brookie doesn’t do selfies, so hopefully the swipe on my arm gives you a good idea.

If you order, share your color, I’m anxious to see it!

You’ve Been Beautified!